Documents of interest

Community of Practice (CoP) on Participatory Research in Family Farming

The CoP on Participatory Research will play a key role in knowledge management and support for continuous learning on research processes specific to family farming, at all stages ensuring the active participation of all members. It is a flexible and open modality where responses to emerging needs are developed, offering the space to share good practices and create new knowledge through continuous interaction. Within the framework of GFAR, this CoP is presented as a collective learning space for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and techniques on participatory research that contribute new perspectives and specific added value to participatory research itself.


WRF -Activities Report 2022


WRF -Activities Report 2021


WRF -Activities Report 2020


FEMMES & COOP - Etude Accès des Femmes à la terre


WOMAN & COOP - Lessons Learned

Outcome document of the Women and Cooperativism project coordinated by the WRF, with the support of the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) and in close collaboration with six regional farmer organisations from Africa, Latin America and Asia.
